Behind the Scenes: Our Initial Assessment of Runeasi Running Gait Analysis
by AJ Cohen (Up & Running)
1. Introduction
Welcome to this presentation featuring our Runeasi Expert, AJ Cohen, from Up & Running in the United States. In this video, join us as AJ conducts his initial assessment with Runeasi and explores the exciting possibilities with runner Joey.👇
2. My first Test with the Runeasi Platform: Evaluating Running Metrics
“Welcome, everyone! In today’s video, we’re testing the Runeasi platform, an exciting tool from Belgium. It combines a 3D Gait lab, a sophisticated device, and powerful software that allows us to measure various running metrics. These metrics include impact magnitude, impact duration, dynamic stability, ground contact time, and more. This data, in conjunction with clinical reasoning, can help us better understand injuries and aid in the recovery process. Join us as we explore this technology for the first time!”
Introducing Joey, Our Talented Runner:
“Allow me to introduce Joey, an exceptional runner with an impressive 70-minute half-marathon personal record. According to the Runeasi chart, Joey falls into the category of a high-level runner, scoring between 80 and 90, just shy of the Olympic-level runners😉. Today, we’re curious to see where he falls within this range. Let’s dive in!”
“With Joey all warmed up, we’re ready to start the test. As he runs, the device captures data and provides real-time feedback. Initially, we noticed that Joey’s impact duration was shorter than optimal. Ideally, the foot should spend more time on the ground, allowing the body to absorb forces gradually. However, as the data accumulates, the graph starts turning greener, indicating improvement. Dynamic stability looks good, while impact magnitude shows a slight difference between his legs. Joey adjusts his speed, resulting in increased impact magnitude. It’s important to note that impact duration on the right side still lags slightly, causing some asymmetry.”
“To address the impact duration issue, we decided to provide Joey with live biofeedback. The device displays new data points every five seconds, allowing Joey to make real-time adjustments and improve his impact duration. While this is just a test, the technology shows promising potential.”
3. Evaluating the Results and Generating a Report
“Based on the data gathered during this session, Joey achieved a running quality score of 80, indicating a solid performance. The system identifies symmetry as Joey’s weak link, primarily due to the sub-optimal impact duration on the right side. This observation aligns with Joey’s own feelings and physical condition leading up to the test.
By examining the details, we can generate a comprehensive report through the app. The report explains impact duration and suggests incorporating plyometric training to address this specific issue. It provides a framework of recommendations, including running drills, tips, and cues for Joey to practice during his treadmill sessions. This personalized approach aims to enhance Joey’s running score and overall performance.”
4. Looking forward to doing more assessments with Runeasi
Finally, we showcase the technology in action, demonstrating how the TV and treadmill work together to provide live feedback during training sessions. We’re thrilled about the possibilities this technology offers and are excited to explore it further. That concludes our teaser for today. Thank you for joining us on this journey with Runeasi. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!
AJ Cohen - Up and Running PT
AJ Cohen, a Manorville, New York native, is the founder of Up and Running Physical Therapy. He holds a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Sacred Heart University and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. AJ is also certified in Functional Dry Needling II. With a strong background in ultramarathons and rock climbing, he specializes in working with athletes to enhance their performance. His work emphasizes the combination of manual therapy and targeted exercise for optimal results in function, pain management, and performance improvement.